20 Unique & Fun DIY Succulent Planters
Succulents are a perfect way to add a little greenery to a home, particularly for someone who doesn’t have a green thumb. They bring in fresh oxygen, lower humidity, and require very little to survive.
If you’re thinking about adding some succulents to your home, consider putting them in a DIY planter. Not only will they brighten your space, but the planter will make them blend into your existing decor, too.
Seashell Planter

These planters are adorable and super easy to create. All you need is a basic, inexpensive terrra cotta planter, some seashells, and a hot glue gun.
If you’re going for a beachy theme, or just love seashells, this is a great option for adding to your aesthetic and bringing in some plant life.
DIY Seashell Planter by Billabong
Hexagon Shaped Wall Planter

3D shelves are everywhere right now. Hexagonal shapes, in particular, are popular because you can create a fun honeycomb design with them.
This shelf was easily turned into a succulent planter by adding in some wire, soil, and plants! It looks amazing and is on-trend.
Hexagonal Succulent Planter by Gardenites
Bowl Planter

This may be one of the easiest planter ideas, ever. If you’re currently going through your home and purging things, think twice before you throw out your bowls!
All you need for this planter is a good bowl, some potting soil, and your succulents! You’ll be amazed by how easy and beautiful the project is!
How to Plant a Succulent Garden in a Bowl by Simplicity Relished
Planter Made From A Pallet

If you’ve browsed Pinterest, ever, you’ve probably seen a lot of different pallet projects. This DIY planter also came from a pallet, but it looks store-bought.
It will give you a rustic look, and you can liven it up by adding succulents in different colors/shades to create a gorgeous garden.
DIY Pallet Planter for Succulents by The Succulent Eclectic
Cement Balloon Planters

Whether you want to put your succulents indoors or outside, these cement planters will work for you.
Though they look difficult to create, these planters are actually really simple (and really fun) to make and don’t require a ton of DIY experience. The tutorial has all the steps and materials you need to create a custom-made planter.
Cement Balloon Planters by Artsy Pretty Plants
Glass Jar Planter

You may not think that putting dirt and plants into a jar would look very good, but this glass jar planter proves otherwise. Plus, to recreate it all you need is an old jar.
This tutorial will tell you everything you need to know about creating this beautiful terrarium, and chances are good that you already have a lot of it laying around the house!
DIY Succulent Terrarium by Bower Power
Planters Made From Repurposed Glass Yogurt Jars

These planters are another way to repurpose something you would otherwise throw away. This blogger used glass yogurt jars to create these planters, but you can do this DIY with any glass container.
She uses different materials to spiral around the jars (like twine and ribbon), so the options here are endless.
DIY Succulent Planters by Ginger Casa
Faux Succulent Planter

If your history with plants is dark, and not exactly full of success, you can still give your home the look of having greenery without actually having to take care of it, thanks to faux plants.
This DIY planter is made especially for faux succulents and is so gorgeous, it will fool anyone into thinking the greenery is real.
DIY Faux Succulent Planter by All Things Target
Wood Wall Planter

This unique and gorgeous planter can be created for indoor or outdoor use. It’s a simple project, but it does require a few cuts that may be difficult for a beginner.
If you’re comfortable with a saw, you can easily recreate this look. Even if you’re not a master woodworker, this planter can certainly serve as inspo for something similar.
DIY Wall Planter with Succulents by Shanty 2 Chic
Colorful Layered Sand Faux Succulent Planter

If you were a kid in the 90’s, you probably remember the sand art trend. This layered sand planter is basically that, only cooler.
All you need to create this is some vases, colorful sand (whatever is to your liking!), some fake succulents, and wire cutters! It’s super simple and nostalgic.
How to Make a Layered Sand Succulent Planter by AFloral
Tea Set Planter

This recycled tea set planter has some serious Mad Hatter vibes, but in the best possible way! All you need is a cup, saucer, and teapot (and white spray paint if you want to match this inspo) to create this look.
To create this planter, you just need to be able to (carefully) drill a hole and use metal tiered-cake supports.
Tall DIY Succulent Planter by Home Talk
Tiny Colorful Planters

These adorable little planters were made out of plastic Easter eggs. Yes, seriously! They’re super easy to do, and look way more high-end than how they started.
This blog has all the steps you need to get the look, and none of them require expertise.
DIY Mini Spring Succulent Planters by A Kailo Chic Life
Toy Elephant Planter

Have boxes of old toys you don’t know what to do with? Upcycle them into succulent planters!
These little elephant planters were originally toys that were then cut, spray painted, and filled with soil to get the cutest and most creative planter.
DIY Toy Elephant Succulent Planter by Make It & Love It
Driftwood Planter

This DIY planter is perfect for someone with a rustic or beach aesthetic. It’s made from real driftwood and looks absolutely stunning when it’s finished.
You really don’t need to do much to recreate this look, and it only takes about 30 minutes to complete!
How to Make a Driftwood Succulent Planter by Postcards From The Ridge
Colorful Mini Plaster Planters

This DIY project has a few more steps than the others, but it’s still really simple to create (you just need to set aside some time). Plus, in the end, you’ll have gorgeous custom planters that look high-end.
How to Color Plaster with This Secret Ingredient + DIY Mini Planters by Paper & Stitch
Upcycled Mug Planters

Do you have a few Moscow mule cups laying around? Whether you use something like that or an old coffee or tea mug is totally up to you, the end result is still a beautiful succulent planter.
It doesn’t get much easier than these mug planters, just fill them with some soil, add in your succulent, and boom, you’re done!
Mini Succulent Planters by Maison de Pax
Tea Cup Planters

If you have a cup and saucer (or access to a thrift store that may have a few) you can create this adorable tea cup planter!
What sticks out most about this style (aside from the obvious tea theme) is that the blogger put little stones on top of the soil to give it a little more rough texture to even out the soft/romantic look of the cups. The end result is gorgeous and unique.
(The Sweetest) Tea Cup Succulent Planters by Buy This Cook That
Wood Block Planter

Anyone who does any kind of woodwork, or lives with someone who does, probably has everything they need to create this planter already on hand. All it is is a block of scrap wood with a hole drilled into it.
You can paint the wood any color you want so it’s sure to go with your home’s style and color pallet. No matter what, no one will ever realize you just used some leftover wood to create the beautiful planter.
DIY Scrap Wood Succulent Planter by Rogue Engineer
Colander Planter

Who knew colanders could be so pretty?! To create this, all you need is a colander, some spray paint, a coffee filter, potting soil, and a succulent.
If you can’t find a retro-looking colander like this one, you can easily spray paint a plastic version with a matte paint to get a similar end result.
How to Make a Colander Planter by My Frugal Adventures
Pumpkin Planter

These planters are so pretty you’ll want to keep them out all year, not just in the fall.
All you need to create this planter is an artificial pumpkin (you can find them at a lot of craft stores), spray paint if you want it to be a different color, some potting soil, and your succulent.
How to Make Fall Succulent Planters by Maison de Pax
Not only are succulents gorgeous and easy to maintain, but they also provide a lot of health benefits to the people living around them (sorry, the same can’t be said for faux succulents, but those are still very pleasing to the eye!).
You can easily liven up your space with these easy plants and a planter that fits your personality and style.
Whether you’re planning on sprucing up your yard or simply want to add a little color to an otherwise neutral room, succulents are an excellent way to do it.