26 Easy DIY Piggy Bank Ideas in 2025

By: Rita Pike |

If you’re trying to find cute or clever ways to help yourself save up souvenir money for the next big trip you’re taking or trying to teach your kids how to have a good relationship with money, piggy banks can come in handy.

A lot of times, though, coin savers are just not that attractive. So, if you’re wondering how to make a piggy bank you’d actually enjoy looking at, these DIY money-saving jar ideas are a fantastic way to while away the minutes as you daydream of places far off.

Glittery Dollar Store Pig

For fans of the traditional piggy bank that’s shaped, well, like a pig, this is a fun way to add some pop and sparkle to an otherwise boring little ceramic or plastic piggy you found at the dollar store. This is a super easy piggy bank crafts project perfect for doing with the kids, too.

You really just need a couple of basic supplies, including the piggy bank, some ultra-fine glitter in your color(s) of choice, spray adhesive orMod Podge, and a spray sealer.

ViaGreta’s Day

Easy Wood and Jar Coin Bank

This little coin bank collective is the perfect way to work on money habits – for you or the kids – with a simple, fun way to separate out how much should go to what. While the tutorial has the jars labeled “spend,” “save,” and “give,” you can, of course, always choose any labels you wish for the three-jar setup.

You will need a few simple woodworking skills for this one, though, since you’ll be making the wooden frame for the jars.

ViaHomemade Ginger

2D Felt Coin Savers

These adorable coin savers are perfect for anybody on the go a lot, especially if you wind up collecting random coins throughout your day. They work as either a coin keeper or a coin purse for the pockets – whichever is most conducive to your situation.

They’re also really great for placing in a few different spots around the house where you’re likely to stash coins for no reason (i.e. by the door when you get home, by the washing machine, on the bedside table, etc.).

ViaDream a Little Bigger

Giant Mail Tube Pencil Coin Bank

For the educationally minded, this giant mail tube pencil coin bank is a super fun project. Whether you want to make one for the classroom for the kids to give to a fund for less fortunate students around the world, homeschool the kids yourself, or otherwise just enjoy giant, fun projects, it’s a perfect choice.

You’ll need a mail tube, silver scrapbook paper, pink and yellow craft paper, and a craft knife. If you do the cutting, you’re all set for the perfect project with the kids that will also help them learn how to save money.

ViaDamask Love

Upcycled Glass Water Bottle Bank

Here’s another coin bank that’s perfect for helpingteach the kids how to view money. It’s also designed with three things in mind – saving, spending, and sharing. Though, of course, you can label the jars with anything you wish.

To make this fabulously fun coin jar, you just need some of those used clear water bottles (glass are best), some letter stickers, and some colorful yarn to craft this fun bank up.

ViaIt Still Works

Recycled Formula Can Coin Jar

If you love recycling materials that get used every day then you’ll love this recycled formula can (or any similar can) coin jar. It’s a simple, easy project that won’t cost you much, and looks pretty cute when you’re done.

You’ll need an old can with a lid, somefat quarters, ribbon, sequin string, a mini chalkboard, mini clothespin, and coordinating cardstock. You’ll use a hot glue and scissors and Mod Podge to put it all together.

ViaIt Happens In A Blink

Minion Mason Coin Jars

For fans of Despicable Me and the Minions movies, you’ll love these adorable Mason jar coin banks that look like those crazy little yellow guys who want to serve their most evil of masters. It uses seal lids cleverly to create the eye of the little monster buddies, along with some fun color mixing of acrylic paints.

You’ll need a quart Mason jar, some acrylic paints, a giant googly eye, and brown pipe cleaners to make these fun banks.


Silly Moustache Mason Jar Banks

These super silly Mason jar banks are a fun way to spend a half-hour (or less) with the kids while providing them with something they’ll use to collect and save money in. They’re easy and inexpensive, so they’re great for party projects, too.

You’ll need Mason jars, some paint, black felt for the moustaches, googly eyes, hot glue sticks and gun, and scissors to craft these silly, fun little coin banks.

ViaAbout Family Crafts

Super Simple Disney Trip Saver Jar

If you’re planning a family (or solo) trip to Disney sometime in the near future, a great way to keep the saving goals in sight is through a Disney themed coin saver jar. This cute little bank is super easy to make, kinda classy looking, and helps to keep that trip very visual for anyone working towards the goal.

You’ll only need a few simple supplies to make it, too, which is great. You’ll need some spray paint, a clean, empty jar and lid, some air-dry or bake-dry clay, a toothpick, E6000 glue, and stickers of vinyl lettering.

ViaUndercover Tourist

Glittered Mason Jar Coin Bank

This beautiful Mason jar coin bank is a super fun, super shiny way to save up some coin for whatever you’ve got planned in the future that needs a little extra cash. It’s pretty, it’s easy, and it’s super fun for keeping coins in.

You’ll need a gold mirrored Mason jar, a standard mouth slot lid and band, some pink (or whatever color you prefer) glitter tape, and some gold spray paint. A few simple steps, and you’ll have this one ready to collect those coins.

ViaTaylor Bradford

Papier Mache Dino Banks

Papier Mache has always been a super fun – though often messy – way to create unique shapes and creatures. And these dinosaur-shaped piggy banks are no exception to that rule. Plus, they’re great for rainy, or cold wintery days when you need a project to keep the kids occupied and learning.

The tutorial offers some easy guides on how to make Papier Mache with flour and tips on the best way to do everything, etc.

ViaRed Ted Art

Cereal Box Piggy Banks

These homemade piggy bank ideas are so much fun – taking old “trash” and turning it into treasures. And using cereal boxes and turning them into easy, fun, recycled projects is a great way to teach your kids how to save money and the environment.

For these fun piggies, you’ll need empty cereal boxes, construction paper, scissors, glue, and a couple of pipe cleaners. For less than about $2, you’ll have a fun, new piggy around catching coins.

ViaKix Cereal

Pot ‘O Gold Mason Jar Bank

What’s luckier than a rainbow? A pot of gold at the end of it! So, this fun, clever upcycle of an old Mason jar is one of the luckiest things you’ll have around. Plus, they’re super cute and fun to make.

To make these easy pot o’ gold Mason jar banks, you’ll need some basic supplies you probably already have on hand. Mason jars, of course, are where you start. From there, you’ll need black acrylic paint, Mod podge, a sponge brush, colored pipe cleaners, hot glue and glue gun, heavy card stock, and black ribbon.

ViaPlayground Park Bench

Recycled Pringle Can Banks

Here’s another one for the fans of recycling: using an old Pringles can and turning it into a piggy bank. It’s a super easy, very fun little project to do with the kids. And since you’re using a recycled Pringles can, you won’t spend much money on it (if any).

To make these, you’ll need the Pringles can, some kind of adhesive (Mod podge, white glue, spray glue – take your pick), a measuring tape, scissors, foam paintbrush, and colorful paper, stickers, and other things to decorate with.

ViaJennifer P Williams

Tin Can Totem Pole Bank

This DIY coin bank is a super fun way to nod to other cultures while recycling old cans and having a little fun with the kids. This is an especially great project if you’re visiting any Native American visitor sites on a family trip or taking some time to appreciate the cultures of our country.

To make this coin bank, you’ll need three cans that can be stacked. You’ll also need duct tape, a utility knife, and some low temp hot glue and hot glue fun, along with paper, feathers, etc. for décor.

ViaMermag Blog

Gravity-Run Coin Sorting Machine

If you’re not one to manually sort coins, this little gravity-run coin sorting machine that you can make from simple household items is a great way to go. Plus, it can help teach your kids a bit about the laws of gravity, how it works, etc., as well as the values of different coins.

To make it, you’ll need some basic woodworking skills and supplies, including MDF material or your choice of wood, some bendy straws, screws, foam board, super glue, a drill and bit, jigsaw (hacksaw), right angle ruler, a sander, and protection gear.


Recycled Baby Wipes Container Piggy Bank

This is another great project for recycling baby and toddler product packaging in a fun and useful way. This time, you’ll be using a baby wipes container to create a super fun piggy bank the kids can play with or you can use to keep the cash safely tucked away in.

You’ll need a baby wipes container, card stock in your favorite colors, googly eyes, scissors, Mod podge or other glue, milk bottle caps (if you want to make toy coins), and a permanent marker.

ViaSunny Day Family

Vintage Style Wall-Mounted Coin Vault

These classy DIY money boxes are more for the grown-ups in the crowd. They’re absolutely beautiful, stylish, and a unique and fun project for anyone who’d like to work with salvaged materials such as plexiglass and wood.

Find some pallet wood, clear plastic acrylic plexiglass, metallic spray paint, and some design decals for the front. Whatever you want to use the money vault for – savings for a trip, a new couch, whatever – can lead to that inspiration.

ViaLovely Greens

DIY Starbucks Cup Coin Bank

And here’s another DIY piggy bank for adults, or at least for Starbucks fans: A Starbucks’ cup coin bank! The tutorial is a fun, easy to follow Youtube video from Karina Garcia who loves her some Starbucks.

You’ll need some basic crafting supplies, a little bit of time, and some imagination to craft this cute piggy bank. And because it’s so darn cute, you’ll enjoy having it at work, at home, or wherever you tend to collect coins.


Superhero Mason Jar Banks

If you or the kids love Superheroes, here’s the bank for you. It’s a super easy project that you and the kids can make in an afternoon and customize specially for each kids’ preference of superhero. So, whether they love Superman, Batman, Captain Marvel, or Black Widow, you’ve got options.

To make these super easy coin banks, you’ll need Mason jars, regular Mason jar coin slot lids, a self-healing cutting mat, an X-acto knife, colored duct tape, spray paint, and a little imagination. (You may also want to check online for printable silhouettes for the Superhero symbols.)

ViaFireflies And Mudpies

Recycled Water Bottle Airplane Bank

If flying’s all the rage in your house, but your kid is more into airplanes than dudes with capes, you will want to check this one out. It’s a super fun, super cute airplane bank that recycles a plastic water bottle.

You’ll need that empty water bottle (clear is specified, but any color would do), card stock in your kid’s favorite colors, two-sided tape, scissors, and a pencil. You may also want an X-acto knife to cut a smooth-edged coin slot in the bottle.

ViaAngie’s List

Simple Cardboard Coin Box

This is another fun option for folks looking to make a coin box out of materials you’ve already got on hand. Specifically, you’ll be working with cardboard. So, don’t throw out that box just yet. You’ll also need some elastic tape, colored cord, and markers, stickers, or whatever else you want to decorate the box with.

All you do to make this is draw the form for the box on the cardboard, cut it out, make holes for the cord, and assemble it, according to the instructions. Easy, fast, and fun.


Simple Mason Jar Coin Bank

This is about as simple as any coin bank could be. It’s very cute and attractive, though, and works for either kids or adults. Plus, it’s super cheap, and you just need a couple of simple supplies that you may already even have on hand.

You’ll need a Mason jar with a lid that’s slotted, some spray paint in your favorite color, and letter stickers for whatever you’d like the coin jar to say.

ViaDukes and Duchesses

Mickey And Minnie Coin Jars

Here’s another fun one for anyone with Disney themed room anywhere, be it the kid’s room, playroom, or a section of the living room where Donald, Daisy, and Goofy make the foreground.

You’ll need some basic supplies, including 2 Mason jars with slotted lids, red spray paint, black spray paint, clear glass spray paint, painter’s tape, paper towels, multi-purpose craft paint, super glue, foam sheets in red, white, and black, and basic tools like scissors and pencils.

ViaKimberley Marriott

Pink Felt Jar Piggy Bank

All right, so when you look at the photos of this one, you might also think it’s Papier Mache and wonder how the heck you get the bank so perfectly round. But it’s actually pink felt over a round plastic jar that gives it this shape. Sounding easier, right?

It’s actually a very easy, fun project that you can do with the kids on a rainy day. You’ll just need some basic supplies, including a plastic jar and lid, plaster cloth, a craft knife, warm water, a cardboard egg carton, craft paint, and pink felt, plus standard supplies and tools.

Via Disney Family

Upcycled Globe Bank

This final is a favorite for grown-ups who love to travel or those encouraging their kids to learn more about the world while saving for their own spending money for a big trip coming up. It’s a globe turned into a coin and cash bank.

To make this fantastically great bank, you’ll need a metal ruler, X-acto knife, a roll of clear tape, and a cardboard or paper globe. This is not designed for glass or metal globes.

Via Rad Megan

The Right Piggy Bank For You And Yours

We all have random coins lying around the house and office. Anyone who carries a purse sometimes has to dump it out to drop the weight of those scattered coins collected over the weeks – or months. But then, where do we put them?

We all know: A piggy bank! But many of the options you can buy are just boring, or too expensive, or impractical. So, this collection of uniquely crafted DIY piggy banks is a great way to find the right fit for you and your family.

Just be sure to read through the tutorials for the ones you like best, check the supply list, and plan accordingly before you get started. And don’t be afraid to use your imagination to change some of them up to better fit your needs.